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Category: Research

Antiretroviral Treatment Interruptions Among Black and Latina Transgender Women Living with HIV: Characterizing Co‑occurring, Multilevel Factors Using the Gender Affirmation Framework

Transgender and Nontrans Patients Do Not Receive Statistically Different Quality Primary Care at Whitman-Walker Health, 2008–2016

American Cohort to Study HIV Acquisition Among Transgender Women in High-Risk Areas (The LITE Study): Protocol for a Multisite Prospective Cohort Study in the Eastern and Southern United States

Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir for 8 Weeks to Treat Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infections in Men With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections: Sofosbuvir-Containing Regimens Without Interferon for Treatment of Acute HCV in HIV-1 Infected Individuals

Integration of HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) services with family planning services: an evaluation using the RE-AIM framework